1. 1.)Work Ethic: I believe with work ethic, I think that it will help us through college education if all students are very diligent with their work, and not slack off, that is how success begins. A student needs to have self motivation, honesty with their work, time management and money management. With self motivation, students should be able to be motivated on what they want and to understand that school/college is a serious task that they have to go through. A student needs to understand that if we/they want to succeed in college they/we have to learn to manage their/our time. If most students do not know how to manage their time wisely, the number one thing that is bound to happen to students in school/college if they do not know how to manage their time wisely is that they will fail their classes, and it happens to most students if they do not know how to manage their time. Especially with money management, Students needs to learn that when they are going college, it is business that they are dealing with, if they fail a class, they lose the money and have to retake it, and that’s what takes us back to time management. If a student knows how to manage their time and money, I believe this is how students can succeed in college.
2. 2.) Developing Physical Skills: With developing physical skills, I believe that all students need to always stay healthy and stay well. A student should always be very presentable to others, because if you look like a mess, other people will not even entertain you, because they will look down at you and believe that they are wasting their time. Especially if a student is going to go to an interview, of course they have to look really presentable at the interview, because it shows the interviewer how much he or she cares about their wardrobe. Not only looking good, students needs to also obtain some material or physical skills on the outside world to succeed not only in college but also succeed in their jobs, because most jobs require most people to at least have computer skills and that is really a plus for them, and in class the teacher also requires a student to take legible notes, because if a student does not really take good notes, they are bound to have trouble in class. A student needs to develop these skills from college and the outside world.
3. 3.) Communicating Verbally: Most of the time, these are one the most important skills that students lack because they are either shy or just don’t know how to communicate well with others. Communicating verbally is the most important thing that a college student needs to succeed through life and in class. It is either you have a conversation one on one with some else, Present to other groups or classes, or using visual displays to explain to others. With a conversation one on one with someone else either it is your mom or your boss or teacher, of course you need to be very formal at what you do and say, because if you say something wrong, it can always kick you in the butt later on and can possibly be used against you. Especially, presenting to a class or to anyone, of course students need to obtain the knowledge of communicating and having knowledge of knowing what they are presenting, because learning to obtain these kinds of skills can really help us through college and through jobs etc,. To start learning to communicate verbally, is by always practicing to present to others, or college education is a way to go, because these kinds of skills can help and relate to your life.
4. 4. )Communicating in Writing: Just like in our English course/class, a teacher has the knowledge and the skills to teach students how to write good essays and papers, because it is their job to do so. That is why when students write any type of essays, the teachers are recommended to correct the student’s grammar, if a teacher spots any discrepancy on the essay, he or she will inform the students how it should be done or well said. Students needs to obtain the knowledge of editing and proofreading their or others papers, because this is a really great plus if a student can really obtain these kinds of skills, and knowing how to use the word processing tools. When learning how to use the word processing tools, it is good that a student should know in order to give a good and presentable paper, just like how if you are applying for a job and the front clerk asks you to submit a resume; you need to have a clean, good background, and presentable resume in order to get the job or interview. Especially, if you or a student is sending information electronically, via email, mail, etc, of course they must be very presentable in what they are writing or saying. From having a college education in communicating in writing, I believe that this can help everyone through anything.
5. 5.) Work Directly with people: Of course working directly with others can deal with school group projects, jobs, or the outside world. When you are working directly with others the first you might want to do first, is to build the right relationship with others that you are working with, the reason for this, is that from my experience, when I first build my relationship with my co-workers they accepted me as a good and respectful working for the company, and they love me. I noticed that if you first build a bad relationship with others, they will not talk to you or not even help you in your own needs. Anyways, by building a good relationship with others can always bring in good team work, like if you show your group members in school that you will do your own part and they will do theirs everything can run smooth, and there will be no problems between each other. Team work is always a plus to finishing anything in school groups or jobs, because it speeds up the work, and you are also building a good relationship with your peers and that is a perfect example that everyone should learn from.
6. 6.) Influencing People: Influencing people can mostly happen anywhere you go; it can be at home, outside with your friends, school, or working. Just like in college, mostly college is like a place where most students really get competitive at what they do in their college education, because it influences them to work harder in school, and they learn so much from it; managing their time and managing their money. These can always relate to your own life by working, because when working with others, most people can be influenced by their co-workers to work harder, and to succeed on getting that employer of the month or year, or to get a higher position on the job. Especially selling products to others, if a sales representative see’s other sales representative’s sale a lot of products, they are influenced to go out and sell more products to other customers or even better, the bigger companies. Also, just like how we have politics and leaders who are also out there to influence the people of Guam to vote for them, because if the people are influenced the right way, they will vote for the right leaders. Influencing the right way to others can help you and them get through life, and having a better understanding of doing things.
7. 7.) Gathering Information: When gathering information about any topic or subject, you must be very specific on what information to get, such as searching the web, using libraries and comm. data bases, conducting interviews, using surveys, and keeping and using records. Just like how in English 111 (Writing and Research), you learn how to write and research and you have cite where you got your information from for it to be legitimate in order to write or present a good paper. Students, needs to obtain the skills of obtaining researching and writing in order to have a good knowledge of what they are researching. Not only should your information be accurate, but it should also be thoroughly as well as legitimate (research data bases such as EBSCO databases, education sites, and published works, books and others). Gathering information is very important anywhere, either your doing a research for school, gathering evidence, or gathering information for work. By using the libraries source for researching is a good place to go because all information is very legitimate rather getting false information from some certain web sites unlike Wikipedia, or conducting a survey of students in UOG, or records of a person or another.
8. 8.) Using Quantitative Tools: When using the Quantitative tools, such as Graphs and Tables it is a good way of evaluating your research, because it helps organize your information easily, especially from surveys. Most students need to learn to obtain these kinds of knowledge in order for them to have a better understanding of their work, so at least they will be organized. Some applications for Quantitative tools include organizing your money, or finances, filing your taxes, keeping track of your bills, managing your business, organizing personal files, and many other different kinds of variable applications. These things usually fall under managing your time on what you do, because with these tools you can always keep track on your money, like how much have you spend with in these years. Usually these kinds of things falls under the category of statistics, and mostly statistics is mainly used on our daily lives, whether it is in class, work, or at home. With at least school or college education on statistics, it can help everyone better understand how to use the quantitative tools.
9. 9.) Asking and Answering the Right Questions: Usually, when you are asking someone, either it’s the teacher, manager, or anyone else you always expect the right and specific answer from them. Sometimes, if they do not have much to say, they will try to give an answer that is not really legitimate, and that is when you can catch them answer questions with total “BS,” that’s why it is always good to pay attention to detail because that is very important to do. Especially when a teacher is lecturing a class, it is always good to pay attention in order to understand what the teacher is trying to say. After the teacher is done lecturing, it is always best to ask the teacher questions so you can have a better understanding of the subject, so your teacher can answer and apply knowledge to your unanswered question. Students or others should also attentive on what they are listening to whether it’s in school, work, or outside the world, it is very important. With asking and answering the right questions it is always good to be knowledgeable on what you say and ask and these can be able to apply to life in many ways.
10. 10.)Solving Problems: I believe that solving problems is the number one thing everyone has to apply onto their daily life, if it is in school, work, or at home. In order for them to solve the problem, they first have to identify the problem, develop solutions, and give out the solutions/answers. With identifying the problem, students must learn to go back on to their information they gather, whether to think back at what has happened in this situation, or if it is in school they have to always look back at their book or any information or notes that was given to them. Then, students must develop the solutions in order to solve the problem, like if they have the information or evidence to back up their problem. When all information has been gathered, they will then be given out either to the class, public, or anywhere. Usually solving problems can be applied to your everyday life and it is always good to obtain these skills.